Child Safe Policy Manual
Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Incorporated
Version 3.0
December 2018
1. Purpose
This Child Safe Policy Manual aims to demonstrate that the Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Incorporated is a Child Safe Organisation with appropriate policies and procedures in compliance with Scriptural principles and as legally required by the Victorian Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (as amended 2014). The amendments include the introduction of Child Safety standards, applicable from 1st January 2017 and the Reportable Conduct Scheme, applicable from 1st January 2018.
The document also gives consideration to other relevant Offences that have been introduced in Victoria, namely:
- Failure to disclose 2014 - a criminal offence created in Victoria that imposes a clear legal duty upon all Adults to report information about Child sexual Abuse to police. The offence commenced on 27th October 2014.
- Failure to protect 2015 - a criminal offence for failing to protect a Child under the age of 16 from risk of sexual Abuse commenced on 1st July 2015.
- Grooming Offence - a grooming offence is now in effect to target individuals who communicate with a Child or their parents with the intent of committing Child sexual Abuse.
Through the implementation of the policies and procedures the Ecclesia aims to:
- protect Children and Young People against Harm at Ecclesial Activities.
- provide guidance for Ecclesial Members and others authorised by the Ecclesia when engaged in any Ecclesial Activity either at or away from the Ecclesia’s premises where Children and Young People are involved.
- create a culture that gives voice to Children and Young People regarding their own safety.
- provide regular (annual) training on policy and related procedural matters for those who work with Children.
- provide guidance for victims of Abuse and their families.
- provide guidance dealing with alleged perpetrators of Abuse.
- outline the responsibilities of Arranging Brothers, Supervisors and Members when dealing with such issues.
- abide by the law.
2. Definitions
Below are definitions of terms used in this document
Abuse | Can include Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Emotional Abuse and Risk of Harm |
Act | The Victorian Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (as amended 2014) |
Adult | Anyone at or over 18 years of age |
Arranging Brethren | A group appointed by the Ecclesia to have the oversight and management of its affairs |
Authority or Authorities | In the context of this Document, the authorities are the Victorian Police, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and Commission for Children and Young People. |
Child, Children or Young Person or Young People | Anyone under 18 years of age |
Child Safety Person | A role performed by Sunday School Superintendent or appointed Member |
Ecclesia | An assembly of members of the Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Inc. |
Ecclesial Activity | An activity that is officially organised and/or advertised by the ecclesia for members, family, friends and invited guests, held in the ecclesial hall or at other specified locations. The activity may not necessarily be conducted by ecclesial members and could include a person contracted by the ecclesia for a specific purpose. |
Ecclesial Member or Member | A baptised member of the Ecclesia. |
Harm | Any detrimental effect of a significant nature to a Child’s physical, psychological or emotional well-being. |
Misconduct | Departure from the accepted standards (e.g. Code of Conduct) of the role performed by the Supervisor or Adult. Misconduct can be intentional or seriously negligent. |
Neglect | Where a Child is harmed by failure to provide the basic physical and emotional necessities of life such as adequate and proper food, clothing, medical aid, lodging and care. |
Organisation | Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Inc. |
Parent(s) | A parent or guardian of the Child or Children referred to. |
Risk of Harm | Concern about the safety, welfare and well-being of a Child. |
Reasonable belief | A reasonable belief is a belief based on facts that would lead a reasonable person to think that reportable conduct may have occurred. |
Recorder | Secretary of Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Inc. |
Sunday School | The Sunday School of the Ecclesia |
Sunday School Superintendent | Elected coordinator of Sunday School Activities |
Sunday School Teacher | Volunteer appointed to teach, supervise or assist Children |
Supervisor(s) | Volunteers who supervise or assist Children at Ecclesial Activities, including:
The Commission | Commission for Children and Youth People also known as CCYP |
Working with Children Check | Victorian Working with Children Check also known as WWCC. Please note this is not a Police Check. |
3. Scope
While it is expected that Parents will at all times be responsible for their own Children at Ecclesial Activities organised by the Ecclesia, it is recognised that from time to time Activities are arranged where the Children, by the very nature of those Activities, are separated from their Parents. The Child Safe Policy covers these activities in particular:
- Sunday School
- Excursions
- Youth Group Activities
- Kids Club
- Camps
- Play Group
- Crèche
For all private arrangements not organised by the Ecclesia, including but not limited to suppers or parties of any type held in the homes of Members or any other person or at any other venue, it is the responsibility of Parents to enquire about the nature of these arrangements, including the level of supervision provided and the time the event concludes to satisfy themselves as to the appropriateness of their Child’s attendance or otherwise at the event.
4. Our Child Safe Policy
The Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Incorporated is a Child Safe Organisation and is committed to keeping our Children and Young People safe at our Ecclesial Activities.
The Ecclesia:
- Believes it has a Scriptural, moral and legal obligation to be Child Safe.
Children are a heritage from the Lord and should be cherished and nurtured. Child Abuse violates the teachings of Scripture. The Ecclesia does not support or condone criminal behaviour. We recognise that Child Abuse is criminal behaviour and is harmful to Children’s physical, social, emotional, spiritual development and well-being.
Relevant Bible teachings that provide a basis for the above principles are included in Appendix A of the Child Safe Policy Manual.
- Supports the right of every Child attending Ecclesial Activities to feel safe and be safe.
The views of Children and Young People in relation to their own safety is valued and encouraged.
The Ecclesia recognises that Children from culturally (including Aboriginal Children) and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds or Children with a disability are statistically at greater risk of Abuse.
- Will establish and maintain a Child Safe environment at Ecclesial Activities.
This will be provided in accordance with agreed guidelines and procedures. These guidelines and procedures include measures to minimise and prevent Risk of Harm to Children.
Supervisors will be encouraged to adhere to an agreed Code of Conduct that specifies standards of conduct and care when dealing and interacting with Children. Supervisors will be screened, appointed, trained and supported to provide a Child Safe environment at Ecclesial Activities.
All relevant Records in relation to Child Safety will be retained consistent with guidelines.
This Policy and associated guidelines and procedures will be communicated to all Ecclesial Members.
- Has a zero-tolerance approach to Child Abuse.
All reports of Child Abuse will be treated as serious, whether they are made by an Adult or a Child.
In dealing with an allegation or Reasonable Belief of Child Abuse, the ecclesia will respond in accordance with the Act and with respect, sensitivity, objectivity, confidentiality, fairness and truthfulness.
When an allegation of Child Abuse is received, mandatory reporting requirements must be met, including reporting to the Victorian Police, Department of Health and Human Services and the Commission for Children and Young People under the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
The Child Safe Policy Manual will be reviewed, updated as necessary, and re-issued to all Members, at least once every three years.
5. Our Child Safe Policy Guidelines & Procedures
5.1 Roles & Responsibilities
5.1.1 Recorder & Arranging Brethren
The Recorder and Arranging Brethren as leaders of the Ecclesia have the following responsibilities:
- Be aware of the legal obligations under the Act and offences relating to Failure to Disclose, Failure to Protect and Grooming.
- Are aware of and agree with this Child Safe Policy Manual.
- Ensure the requirements of this Child Safe Policy Manual is communicated to Members, Supervisors, Adults, applicants for membership and Children.
- Satisfy themselves that the necessary requirements are in place to keep Children and Young People safe at Ecclesial Activities.
- Be aware of their specific role in the selection, on boarding, training and support of Supervisors.
- Appoint a Child Safety Officer to assist with implementation of the Child Safe Policy.
- Ensure allegations of Child Abuse and Misconduct are appropriately managed, including any mandatory reporting requirements to the Victorian Police, Child Protection and Commission for Children and Young People.
- Conditions of Insurance cover are met.
5.1.2 Child Safety Person
The Sunday School Superintendent will perform the role of the Child Safety Person, unless an alternative appointment is made by the Arranging Brethren. The Arranging Brethren can appoint a second Child Safety Person for gender balance and to share the work.
The Child Safety Person will:
- Keep abreast with changes in legal requirements associated with Child Safety. This can be achieved by keeping a valid subscription for email updates from The Commission.
- Inform the Arranging Brethren regarding changes and recommend actions required to maintain compliance.
- Record and maintain Sunday School attendance of Children, Adults, Supervisors and helpers including those who may be attending or filling in temporarily.
- Maintain the register for Working with Children Checks for the Ecclesia. Check the expiry date for compliance for Supervisors on a quarterly basis.
- As the focal point for Child Abuse incident and allegation reporting, ensure appropriate action is taken to inform Recorder, Arranging Brethren and to the relevant Authorities.
- Assist and coordinate Child Abuse or allegation investigation.
5.1.3 Supervisors
Supervisors will:
- Understand the requirements of this Child Safe Policy.
- Maintain a satisfactory and current Working with Children check.
- Comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.
- Be familiar with risks associated with Ecclesial Activity they are leading and ensure controls are in place. Situational awareness is required to ensure controls are adequate.
- Communicate Child Safety related risks with Children and Young People for their awareness and help them understand what role they can play in keeping themselves safe e.g. A safety conversation prior to going on an excursion.
- When seeking someone to help or cover the class, ensure that the person has a satisfactory Working with Children Check and are familiar with the Child Safety risks related to the activity they will be covering.
5.1.4 Parents
Parents will:
- Be responsible for their own Children at all times at Activities organised by the Ecclesia unless there is a supervised Activity for Children. This is especially important before and after specific Activities for Children and Young People.
- Be aware of the requirements of the Child Safe Policy Manual and be familiar with the Code of Conduct in order to be able to recognise expected and not permitted behaviour.
5.1.5 Members and Adults at the Ecclesia
- All Members must be aware of the requirements of the Child Safe Policy Manual.
- All Adults must recognise their Spiritual, moral and legal obligation to keep Children safe and to report incidents or reasonable belief of Child Abuse and Misconduct.
5.2 Recruitment of Volunteer Supervisors
Supervisors at the Ecclesia are volunteers. Below is the screening and appointment process for Supervisors:
- All Supervisors will require a satisfactory and current Working with Children Check.
- The Arranging Brethren will review nominations for the roles of:
- Sunday School Superintendent – appointed by Ecclesial Ballot
- Youth Group Officer – appointed by Ecclesial Ballot
- Kids Club Organiser – appointed by Arranging Brethren
- Play Group Organiser – appointed by Arranging Brethren
- Crèche Organiser – appointed by Arranging Brethren
- Child Safety Person – appointed by Arranging Brethren
A satisfactory Working with Children Check will be a pre-requisite for nomination to roles mentioned above. The Arranging Brethren will interview all new nominees to confirm suitability for the role. (For sample interview questions, refer to Appendix B)
- Sunday School Teachers will be nominated at the discretion of the Sunday School Superintendent. All new Sunday School teachers will be interviewed by the Sunday School Superintendent to confirm suitability for working with Children. Record of interviews are to be maintained. The names will be forwarded to the Arranging Brethren for review and appointment.
- Members will not generally be appointed to the roles of Sunday School Teachers within six months of joining the Ecclesia.
5.3 Induction, Training and Supervision
All new Supervisors will receive a copy of this Child Safe Policy Manual. The Recorder or the Child Safety Person will cover the following major requirements of the Policy with each new Supervisor:
- The Policy Statement
- The Code of Conduct, consequences of breaches and Reportable Conduct scheme
- Identifying indicators of Child Abuse
- How to respond to disclosure of Child Abuse and reporting requirements
- Risk management practices
All Supervisors will have access to annual refresher training in the policy and procedures of the Child Safe Policy Manual that will be conducted for the Ecclesia on the first Sunday afternoon of February each year.
Feedback from Supervisors will be encouraged to support the continuous improvement of Child Safe practices.
Supervisors will also be provided any necessary feedback on their behaviours and conduct to support their development.
5.4 Code of Conduct
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to set clear expectations on acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for Supervisors. It is good practice for all Adults and Children to be aware of this in order to be able to identify when behaviour is not compliant to this Code of Conduct.
Supervisors will:
- adhere to the Ecclesia’s Child Safe Policy at all times.
- treat all Children and Young People with respect, honesty, and care.
- respect a Child’s wishes relating to physical contact e.g. hugs, kisses, handshake.
- take all reasonable steps to protect Children from Abuse.
- listen and respond appropriately to the views and concerns of Children and Young People within the Ecclesia.
- respond quickly, fairly and transparently to any serious complaints made by a Child, Young Person or their Parent.
- report any concern, allegation, disclosure or observation of Child Abuse to the Child Safety Person or Authority as outlined in the Ecclesia’s reporting procedure and in line with mandatory reporting requirements, including the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
- report and act on any behavioural complaints, concerns or observed breaches regarding this Code of Conduct.
- limit photography and filming to group shots and capture images that relate directly to the Ecclesial activity. Any photography or filming that does not meet this requirement will require consent from Parents or guardians.
Supervisors will not be permitted to:
- use hurtful, discriminatory or offensive behaviour or language with Children.
- initiate unnecessary physical contact with Children or do things of a personal nature that Children can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes.
- bully or harass Children.
- engage in unwarranted, unwanted and/or inappropriate physical contact between an Adult and a Child.
- where possible be alone together (i.e. one Adult with one Child that is not their own).
- develop ‘special’ relationships that could be seen as favouritism such as offering of gifts or special treatment.
- have unauthorised contact with Children and Young People online, on social media or by phone.
- use any computer, mobile phone, digital device, camera or video to exploit or harass Children.
- compel or organise interaction between an alleged perpetrator of Child Abuse and the alleged victim of Child Abuse.
5.5 Management of Risks of Harm to Children
The Ecclesia is committed to minimising or eliminating the Risk of Harm to Children at Ecclesial Activities.
Ecclesial Activities that involve Children and Young People are to be risk assessed and effective mitigating controls put in place to reduce or eliminate the Risk of Harm.
The following Ecclesial Activities have been risk assessed:
- Sunday School including excursions
- Youth Group Class including excursions
- Kids Club
- Play Group
- Crèche
- Home Classes
- Camps
Detailed risk assessment, controls or guidance on risk assessment are available for above Ecclesial activities from Section 5.5.1 to Section 5.5.6.
It must be recognised that from time to time the situation may not entirely be covered by existing risk assessments. The Supervisor responsible for the activity is to demonstrate situational awareness and either conduct the necessary risk assessment themselves or seek support to conduct one.
The process to be applied for risk assessment is as follows:
- Hazard Identification – Identify sources or situations with the potential for Harm to Children.
- Risk Assessment – There are a number of ways to perform a risk assessment. The approach to use for Child Safety at the Ecclesia is as follows:
- Determine the potential Consequences of the hazard from a scale, 1 to 5 where 1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant
- Determine the Likelihood of it occurring from a scale, 1 to 5 where 1 = rare, 5 = certain
- Determine the Risk by multiplying the Likelihood by the Consequence, (R = L x C). If R is 1-4 = Low or, 5-10 = Medium or, 11-25 = High.
- Develop mitigating controls – All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies. This may require consultation to determine if the control strategies are deemed to be effective.
- Communicate – Once the risk assessment is complete and effective control strategies identified, this needs to be communicated with those conducting the activity or participating in controlling the risks.
- Conduct activity safely – once everyone involved is aligned, the activity can be conducted safely with all the controls in place.
5.5.1 Sunday School Child Safe Rick Assessment & Controls
The following risk assessment identifies, assesses, and takes steps to minimise or prevent such risks associated with Sunday School activities.
- L = Likelihood (1 = rare, 5 = certain)
- C = Consequence (1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant)
- R = Risk = L x C (1-4 = low, 5-10 = medium, 11-25 = high). All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies.
Risk Description | L | C | R | Mitigations | Responsible Officer |
Harm to Child occurs from Abuse by supervisor during Sunday School | 1 | 5 | M | · All rooms where the class is held to have no solid doors (glass panel where possible)
· Sunday School classroom doors may be closed during Sunday School lessons except in circumstances where there is one Supervisor and one Child (not their own). · Supervisors should where possible not be alone with a Child that is not their own when teaching, an additional Supervisor or joining another class should be considered. · The Sunday School Superintendent is to ensure that the rooms are monitored regularly. |
Sunday School Superintendent |
Harm to Child occurs while toileting during Sunday School | 1 | 5 | M | · Parents to be available for Children requiring assistance with toileting
· Children of primary school age to go to toilet in pairs |
Sunday School Superintendent |
Harm to Child occurs when stranger enters hall during Sunday School | 2 | 3 | M | · Children to be supervised by Sunday School Teacher
Sunday School Superintendent |
Harm to Child occurs when Child wanders away from Sunday School | 1 | 4 | L | · Sunday School Teacher to define and communicate perimeter of Activity
Sunday School Superintendent |
Harm to Child occurs at excursion | 2 | 5 | M | · Sunday School Teacher is to review risks of Harm to Children
· Sunday School Teacher to communicate relevant risks and controls to Children to ensure they understand their contribution to keeping safe. · All excursions are to be supervised by at least 2 Adult members, at least one of whom has a working with Children check |
Sunday School Superintendent |
Harm to Child occurs in car park during Sunday School | 2 | 5 | M | · Children to be supervised by Sunday School teacher
· Occasional announcements to be aware of not playing in these areas. · Place warning signs at entrance to car park to alert drivers to the danger. |
Sunday School Superintendent |
5.5.2 Youth Group Child Safe Risk Assessment & Controls
The following risk assessment identifies, assesses, and takes steps to minimise or prevent such risks associated with Youth Group activities.
- L = Likelihood (1 = rare, 5 = certain)
- C = Consequence (1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant)
- R = Risk = L x C (1-4 = low, 5-10 = medium, 11-25 = high). All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies.
Risk Description | L | C | R | Mitigations | Responsible Officer |
Harm to Child occurs from Abuse by Supervisor | 1 | 5 | M | · Ensure a minimum of two Supervisors are present | Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs when stranger enters hall during Youth Activity | 1 | 4 | L | · Children to be Supervised.
· If the Activity is isolated to the Lower Hall than the Upper Hall external access door to be locked during the Activity. |
Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs in dark extremities of car park at evening Ecclesial Activity | 1 | 5 | M | · Occasional announcements to be aware of these areas. | Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs at excursion | 2 | 5 | M | · Youth Group Officer to review risks of Harm to Children at excursion
· Youth Group Officer to communicate relevant risks and controls to Children to ensure they understand their contribution to keeping safe. · All excursions are to be supervised by at least two Adult members, at least one of whom has a WWCC. For larger groups maintain 1:10 Adult to Children ratio. |
Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs when Child goes to public toilet within or outside of the perimeter of the Ecclesial Activity | 2 | 5 | M | · Request Children to go to public toilets in pairs where practicable | Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs at Youth group Supper in private home | 2 | 5 | M | · Youth Group Officer to review Risks of Harm to Children at private home. e.g. pool and other people that may be there.
· All Suppers are to be supervised by at least two Adult members, at least one of whom has a WWCC. For larger groups maintain 1:10 Adult to Children ratio. |
Youth Group Officer |
Harm to Child occurs through online communication | 2 | 5 | M | · In compliance with the Code of Conduct, have no unauthorised contact with Children and Young People online, on social media or by phone | Youth Group Officer |
5.5.3 Kids Club and Play Group Child Safe Risk Assessment & Controls
Kids Club and Play Group is organised and led by volunteering Parents of Children participating in the Activities. Working with Children Check exemptions apply for Parents, family members and people who are closely related to the Child, volunteering in an activity in which the Child participates, or normally participates. Due to the nature of the activities, Parents or Parents of other Children participating are generally in very close proximity of the activity. The following risk assessment identifies, assesses, and takes steps to minimise or prevent risks associated with these activities.
- L = Likelihood (1 = rare, 5 = certain)
- C = Consequence (1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant)
- R = Risk = L x C (1-4 = low, 5-10 = medium, 11-25 = high). All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies.
Risk Description | L | C | R | Mitigations | Responsible Officer |
Harm to Child occurs when stranger enters hall during Activity | 1 | 4 | L | · Children to be Supervised.
· If the Activity is isolated to the Lower Hall then the Upper Hall external access door to be locked during the Activity. |
Kid Club Organiser
Play Group Organiser
Harm to Child occurs when Child wanders away from Activity | 3 | 5 | H | · Define and communicate perimeter of Activity
· Ensure the self-closing Child safety gate is operating correctly in Lower Hall · If in the outdoor area, ensure the self-closing Child safety gates are operating correctly. · Ensure adequate supervision is in place when Children are in the outdoor area. · Occasional announcements to raise awareness regarding Child safety gate use, need for supervision in the Outdoor Area and discourage Children from climbing over the fence. |
Kid Club Organiser
Play Group Organiser
Harm to Child occurs in dark extremities of car park during Activity | 1 | 5 | M | · Organiser to perform check prior to use of car park in the dark
· Occasional announcements to raise awareness of these areas. |
Kids Club Organiser |
Harm to Child occurs at excursion | 2 | 5 | M | · Organiser to review Risks of Harm to Children at excursion
· Organiser to communicate relevant risks and controls to Children to ensure they understand their contribution to keeping safe. · All excursions are to be supervised by at least two Adult members, at least one of whom has a WWCC. For larger groups maintain 1:10 Adult to Children ratio. |
Kids Club Organiser |
Harm to Child occurs when Child goes to public toilet within or outside of the perimeter of the Ecclesial Activity | 2 | 5 | M | · Request Children to go to public toilets in pairs where practicable | Kids Club Organiser |
5.5.4 Crèche Risk Child Safe Risk Assessment & Controls
The purpose of the Crèche is to provide Child minding during the Memorial Meeting once a month for Parents of very young Children. The following risk assessment identifies, assesses, and takes steps to minimise or prevent such risks associated with Crèche activities.
- L = Likelihood (1 = rare, 5 = certain)
- C = Consequence (1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant)
- R = Risk = L x C (1-4 = low, 5-10 = medium, 11-25 = high). All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies.
Risk Description | L | C | R | Mitigations | Responsible Officer |
Harm to Child occurs from Abuse by Supervisor | 1 | 5 | M | · Ensure a minimum of two Supervisors are present with WWCC unless exemptions apply
· Supervision level for toddlers can be higher so an assessment on need should determine the Supervisor to Child ratio. · All rooms used for Crèche is to have no solid doors (glass panel where possible) |
Crèche Organiser
Harm to Child occurs when stranger enters hall during Activity | 1 | 4 | L | · Children to be Supervised
Crèche Organiser
Harm to Child occurs when Child wanders away from Activity | 3 | 5 | H | · Define and communicate perimeter of Activity
· Ensure the self-closing Child safety gate is operating correctly in Lower Hall · If in the outdoor area, ensure the self-closing Child safety gates are operating correctly · Ensure adequate supervision is in place when Children are in the outdoor area |
Crèche Organiser
Harm to Child occurs due to arranged Activity | 3 | 3 | M | · Activity to be age appropriate
· Use of sharp or small objects that can be swallowed to be avoided |
Crèche Organiser
Harm to Child occurs while toileting during Crèche | 1 | 5 | M | · Parents to be available for Children requiring assistance with toileting
· Children to go to toilet in pairs · Two supervisors to take Child for toileting |
Crèche Organiser
5.5.5 Home Groups
Families gather in homes for Bible study or discussion class and playtime for the Children. The care for Children in homes is to be considered in line with Child Safe Policy.
- L = Likelihood (1 = rare, 5 = certain)
- C = Consequence (1 = insignificant, 5 = very significant)
- R = Risk = L x C (1-4 = low, 5-10 = medium, 11-25 = high). All medium and high risks require risk mitigation strategies.
Risk Description | L | C | R | Mitigations | Responsible Officer |
Harm to Child occurs when unsupervised in bedrooms or other private areas | 1 | 4 | L | · Children to be Supervised or to be in an open area in view of the Adults in the class. | Home Group Host
5.5.6 Camps
Camp Organisers to have Child Safety issues in mind when organising a camp where Children and Young People will be present. Camp Organisers to prepare and document a risk assessment for the camp and the activities that Children will be participating in. Below is a list of issues to consider when developing a risk assessment:
- Transport – how will Children travel to the camp? In private cars, public transport or hired transport e.g. bus?
- Camp Organisers and Supervisor Suitability
- Satisfactory and current Working with Children Checks should be available for all Camp Organisers, Supervisors and helpers unless exemptions apply.
- What is the gender balance requirement for Supervisors and helpers?
- Location and Environmental – what are the Risks of Harm due to the location? e.g. outdoor camping.
- Activity Suitability – what are the Risks of Harm?
- Sleeping Arrangements – what is the requirements for gender separation?
- Toilet and shower amenities – is there adequate privacy and gender separation?
- Facility helpers and other facility users – how does the facility manage Child Safety?
The risk assessment and identified mitigating controls should be documented and communicated to the Recorder or the Child Safety Person for review and approval.
The risk assessment and identified mitigating controls should be communicated as appropriate with Parents, Children, Supervisors and other camp attendees.
5.5.7 Food and Medical Requirements
Parents are to advise the relevant Supervisors regarding food allergies and medical requirements for their Child
5.6 Communication
A copy of this Child Safe Policy Manual will be provided to all members and Supervisors who supervise or assist Children at Ecclesial Activities. Recipients will be encouraged to read and understand the Child Safe Policy Manual.
The Recorder will visibly display the Child Safe Policy Statement and the Code of Conduct within the Ecclesial Hall.
An annual refresher training in the policy and procedures of the Child Safe Policy Manual will be conducted for the Ecclesia on the first Sunday afternoon of February each year.
5.7 Empowerment of Children and Young People
Feedback from Children and Young People in relation to their safety is encouraged, this will be facilitated by an annual Sunday School class dedicated to Child Safety and a suggestion box accessible to Children that will be regularly emptied, and suggestions assessed and acted on where appropriate. Children will be provided with feedback on their concerns, feedback and suggestions.
5.8 Record Keeping
The following records of ecclesial membership and roles that involve dealing with Children directly or indirectly must be kept by the Recording Brother for a minimum period of 6 years. It is, however, advisable to maintain these records for as long as practicable as the limitation periods that apply to civil actions in respect of Child Abuse have been completely removed, therefore there is justification for keeping records far beyond the typical 6 or 7 years.
- Ecclesial Membership.
- Attendance records.
- Serving positions.
- Sunday School teachers and student lists for each year.
- Working with Children Checks.
- Incident reports.
- Disclosure or allegation reports.
6. Our Child Safe Incident Reporting & Investigation Process
If an Adult in the Ecclesia becomes aware of an incident or allegation of Abuse or Misconduct, the first responsibility is to ensure that the Child is safe, and the risks of further Abuse or Harm is mitigated.
There are a number of obligations that arise from specific pieces of legislation such as mandatory reporting to Police, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or the Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP).
It is vital that the Ecclesia meets these obligations with respect to keeping Children safe and reporting incidents and allegations of Child Abuse and Child-related Misconduct.
6.1 Our Legal Obligations
The legal obligations relate to Failure to Disclose, Mandatory Reporting and Reportable Conduct Scheme. Below are further details regarding these obligations.
6.1.1 Failure to Disclose
The law relating to “Failure to disclose” requires any Adult who forms a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an Adult against a Child under 16 years of age to report that information to police, unless they have a reasonable excuse not to or an exemption applies. Failure to disclose the information to police is a criminal offence.
6.1.2 Mandatory Reporting
Some professionals are legally required to make a report to Child Protection (DHHS) if they form a belief on reasonable grounds that a Child has suffered, or is likely to suffer, significant Harm as a result of physical injury or sexual Abuse and the Child’s Parents have not protected, or are unlikely to protect, the Child from Harm of that type.
For example, doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers and school principals, police, youth workers and social workers are all required to make mandatory reports under the Act. Supervisors and Members who belong to these professions should take note of this obligation.
6.1.3 Reportable Conduct Scheme
The Reportable Conduct Scheme seeks to improve how organisations respond to allegations of Child Abuse and Child-related Misconduct.
There are five types of ‘reportable conduct’ listed in the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005:
- sexual offences (against, with or in the presence of, a Child)
- sexual Misconduct (against, with or in the presence of, a Child)
- physical violence (against, with or in the presence of, a Child)
- behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological Harm
- significant Neglect.
The Reportable Conduct Scheme requires the Recorder as head (Secretary) of the Ecclesia to report to The Commission any allegation that one of the Supervisors or Members have committed Child Abuse or Child-related Misconduct. The Ecclesia must carry out an investigation into these allegations and report its findings together with actions taken (if any) in response to the Commission.
6.2 Managing Allegation of Abuse, Risk of Harm and Misconduct
6.2.1 Child Safety Incident Reporting Process
The chart below outlines the process for reporting Child safety incidents and the required actions to prevent further Harm and report incidents to the relevant Authorities.
6.2.2 Identification of Abuse, Risk of Harm and Misconduct
Abuse, Risk of Harm and Misconduct may be identified by the Ecclesia in various ways. It may be witnessed; it may be disclosed by a Child or Parent; or through someone forming a Reasonable Belief due to recognition of signs of Child Abuse or Neglect or someone expressing safety concerns.
Recognising indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect is a process of forming a reasonable concern or well-founded suspicion that Abuse or Neglect has occurred or may occur in the future. Appendix C – Recognising Child Abuse provides guidance on indicators.
6.2.3 Determination of Actions Required
Any person within the Ecclesia who has reasonable grounds to suspect a Child is at Risk of Harm, has been, or is being abused must take action to report the matter in the interest of the Child’s safety.
Dependent on the circumstance, severity and risk to the Child, the matter should be either reported within the Ecclesia to the Child Safety Person, Recorder, an Arranging Brother, Supervisor or any other person (if a complaint needs to be made about roles previously mentioned) or to the relevant Authorities.
The following actions are to be taken when a disclosure or report is made:
- offer support to the Child, the Parents, the person who reports and the accused Supervisor, volunteer or Member
- initiate internal processes to ensure the safety of all Children including an alleged victim, clarify the nature of the complaint and commence investigation and disciplinary process (if required)
- decide, in accordance with legal requirements and duty of care, whether the matter should or must be reported to Victorian Police, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (Child Protection) and, or the Commission for Children and Young People and make report as soon as possible if required.
6.2.4 Reporting Requirements / Procedure
When a disclosure is made by a Child or Young Person or an allegation reported, detailed written records are to be kept.
Documentation to include (Refer to Appendix D for a template):
- Date & time disclosure or report was made
- To whom it was made
- Details of the actual disclosure or report – Sensitivity is to be demonstrated towards a Child or Young Person disclosing to ensure they are not put under pressure.
- The name or description of alleged perpetrator - regardless of whether the Person is a member of the ecclesia or a person external to the ecclesia.
- Immediate actions taken to eliminate or reduce Risk of Harm to chid.
- Decision to determine reporting requirements – Document which Authorities will and have been contacted (Please note that multiple Authorities may need to be contacted for the one allegation/report of Abuse, Risk to Harm or Misconduct).
- Below are guidelines to help determine which Authority or Authorities to contact:
- Criminal Offence – Physical or sexual Abuse of Children is a crime and must be reported to the Victorian Police.
- Family violence, whether or not a Child has been physically or sexually abused, is serious, affects Children in the family and often involves criminal behaviour. If a concern relates to family violence, it should also be reported to the Victorian Police.
- If a Child is in immediate risk or danger of a sexual offence, please call Triple Zero (000).
- If the report is not in relation to an immediate risk, please contact your local police station.
- If a Child is in need of protection, then report to Child Protection, which is part of the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services. Contact can be made on 13 12 78.
- If the allegation relates to Reportable Conduct, then the matter is to be reported to The Commission for Children and Young People. The notification process can be initiated online by the Recorder as Head of the organisation or a delegate of the Recorder .
The chart below details the notification, investigation and reporting process requirements for Reportable Conduct.
6.2.5 Investigation
The Ecclesia is to investigate reported allegations of Abuse, Risk of Harm and Misconduct. There are however the following considerations:
- Criminal Offence – if the allegation is of criminal nature and the Victorian Police are investigating, then the Ecclesia is to wait for this process to be completed. An internal investigation could be detrimental to the criminal investigation underway. The Police will give advice when their investigation is complete and internal investigation can be initiated. The Arranging Brethren are to determine if further investigation is required beyond the Police Investigation to satisfy the Ecclesia’s need to close the matter as they relate to disciplinary actions or improvement of risk controls.
- Conflict of interest and Investigation Competency – When investigating an incident, the Ecclesia is to determine who is most appropriate to conduct the investigation. Members of the Ecclesia investigating the incident must not have a conflict of interest and demonstrate the relevant competencies to conduct an investigation of this nature (e.g. perform interviews in a sensitive manner, lead the investigation, and comply with documentation requirements). The Ecclesia should consider an independent Child Safety Incident investigator if there is conflict of interest or the competency is not available within the Ecclesia.
6.2.6 Outcomes
The investigation is expected to identify control failures, learnings and make recommendations. Relevant Supervisors, Parents and Child should be notified of outcome of the incident investigation, disciplinary action being taken and how gaps in policies and procedures will be closed.
6.2.7 Treatment of Victims, Reporters and Perpetrators
Reports of Harm brought by a Child or Young Person or another person disclosing an alleged incident of Abuse to a Child or Young Person will be treated with respect and will be responded to professionally to ensure that the best interests of the Child remains paramount.
Allegations of Abuse reported must be kept strictly confidential except when reporting to the appropriate Authorities.
Perpetrators require professional assistance. Perpetrators need to recognise their behaviour is abhorrent and unacceptable to the Lord and be willing to face the consequences of their behaviour.
An alleged perpetrator may be excluded from any Ecclesial Activity at the discretion of the Arranging Brethren whilst the matter is investigated. During the investigation of such a case, the Arranging Brethren have the responsibility to ensure as best they can that the Member’s or Adult’s spiritual welfare is given appropriate support.
If an allegation of Abuse comes to the knowledge of the Arranging Brethren and is proved baseless, the Arranging Brethren will take action as appropriate in an endeavour to ensure that the reputation of the Member or Adult affected is reinstated.
6.2.8 Other Guidelines
Application for Ecclesial Membership bu Known Child Abusers
In considering an application for membership, the Ecclesia must take into account the spiritual welfare of any victims of Child Abuse who are Ecclesial Members or Children of Ecclesial Members, whether they are victims of the person seeking membership or not. Concern for the welfare of victims of Child Abuse is sufficient reason to refuse membership.
Applications should be in writing and acknowledge the wrong the known Child Abuser has done. Applications should clearly state what steps the person has taken to attempt to rehabilitate. Steps should include treatment by a recognised expert in the area of Child Abuse and then documentary evidence should be sought by the Ecclesia that such treatment has been undertaken.
Members of the Ecclesia will be informed of all such applications for membership by a person who has either been convicted of Child Abuse, or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, before Ecclesial membership is granted.
A person, who has either been convicted of Child Abuse or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, granted membership to the Ecclesia will not expect to have any formal position in the Ecclesia and could be excluded from any Ecclesial Activity at the discretion of the Ecclesia.
A person, who has either been convicted of Child Abuse or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, granted membership to the Ecclesia will not be given any responsibility for teaching or supervising Children.
Application for Baptism by Known Child Abusers
If an application for baptism is received from a person who has either been convicted of Child Abuse or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, the baptism will not go ahead until the points above have been satisfactorily resolved.
Application for Transfer by Members who are Known Child Abusers
If a Member, who has either been convicted of Child Abuse or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, seeks transfer to another ecclesia, that ecclesia will be informed in writing of the conviction or allegation
Becoming aware that a Member is a Known Child Abuser
If the Arranging Brethren become aware that a Member has either been convicted of Child Abuse or has an active Child Abuse allegation against them, then the Arranging Brethren will notify in writing the Arranging Brethren of other ecclesiae the Member may have contact with.
Receiving a Visit from a Known Child Abuser
If the Arranging Brethren become aware of an actual or intended visit to our Ecclesia by a person who has either been convicted of Child Abuse, or against whom there is an active Child Abuse allegation, they reserve the right to refuse entry to any Ecclesial Activity.
In appropriate circumstances, the Arranging Brethren have the flexibility to permit access or participation, subject to:
- advance notification, allowing sufficient time for discussion with Members who may be affected
- clarification of any conditions that have been imposed on the potential visitor by the ecclesia of which they are currently a member, the Victorian Police, or Australian law courts
- acceptance by the potential visitor of the full-time supervision of a responsible Adult member of the Ecclesia
Even where these conditions are met, the Arranging Brethren will refuse access or participation if they believe it is not in the interests of Members.
7. Appendix A - Bible Tenets
The following Bible tenets underpin this ecclesia’s Child safe policy and procedures.
- The Bible teaches that Children are God’s heritage. “…Jesus said, suffer little Children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14; Psalm 127:3).
- The Bible teaches that in all things we should “do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). This provides the over-arching goal and guide for planning, managing and deciding all matters within the ecclesia.
- The Bible teaches that we should practice the commandments of Christ and the fruit of the spirit (John 14:15, 15:14, Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 4:17-20; Philippians 4:8).
- The Bible teaches that we are to be holy and to abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Peter 1:15-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:22).
- The Bible teaches that all forms of Abuse, including Child Abuse, violate the commandments of Christ and are contrary to the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-12; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
- The Bible teaches that we are to love God with all our heart, strength, soul and mind, and to love our neighbour as our selves. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 19:19; 22:37-39; Mark 12:29-31; Luke 10:27; Romans 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8).
- The Bible teaches that we should obey the laws of the land in which we live, except where they directly contravene the teachings of the Bible (Romans 13:1-5; Matthew 22:21; Acts 5:29).
- The Bible teaches that we have a particular duty of care for those within the Ecclesia who may be vulnerable or have special needs (Psalm 82:3-4; Proverbs 31:9; Acts 20:35; James 1:27).
- The Bible provides a guide as to the process to be followed where major transgressions occur (Matthew 18:15-17). The principles of this process should be applied in action taken by individuals and the ecclesia in responding to any such transgressions.
- The Bible teaches that the ecclesia should seek to recover those who are “overtaken in a fault” and err from the truth (Galatians 6:1; James 5:19-20).
- The Bible teaches that those who have oversight of the Ecclesia have a responsibility to tend the Ecclesia and protect it from “wolves” (Acts 20:28-32).
8. Appendix B - Sample Interview Questions
The purpose of the interview is to establish the suitability of a supervisor for working with Children. Below are some samples questions that can be used:
- Why have you applied for this position and why do you feel you are suitable for the role?
- Please describe any positive experiences you have had with Children or Young People
- Have you ever been in a situation where you have disciplined a Child or Young Person, if so how did you handle this situation?
- Have you ever been investigated for violent or sexually related offences, if so, what were the circumstances?
- Is there any other information relating to your suitability for this position, which we should be aware of?
- Do you have any further questions regarding the Child Safe Policy or the associated procedures of our Ecclesia?
9. Appendix C - Recognising Child Abuse
Ecclesial members whose work brings them into contact with Children and their families should be aware of the indicators of Abuse and Neglect. Recognising indicators of Child Abuse is about forming a Reasonable Belief that there is a Risk of Harm from Neglect or Abuse, which is current or likely to occur in the future. Adults or adolescents who perpetrate Child sexual Abuse exploit the dependency and immaturity of Children. Offenders use a range of tactics including force, threats, and tricks to engage Children in sexual contact and to try to silence them. They may also try to gain the trust and friendship of Parents in order to obtain access to Children. They may be family members or close family friends
Possible indicators of sexual Abuse. These may be present either individually or in combination in Children and include:
- direct or indirect disclosures,
- describing sexual acts,
- age inappropriate behaviour and or persistent sexual behaviour,
- self-destructive behaviour, drug dependency, suicide attempts, self-mutilation,
- overtly sexual themes in artwork, play or writing,
- persistent running away from home,
- anorexia, over eating,
- going to bed fully clothed,
- regression in developmental achievements,
- Child being in contact with a known or suspected perpetrator of sexual assault,
- unexplained accumulation of money and gifts,
- bleeding from the vagina or external genitalia or anus,
- injuries such as tears or bruising to the genitalia or anus,
- sexually transmitted diseases,
- adolescent pregnancy,
- injuries to the breasts, buttocks, lower abdomen and thighs.
General indicators of Child stress should also be considered such as:
- poor concentration at school,
- sleeping or bedtime problems e.g. nightmares or bedwetting,
- marked changes in behaviour including tantrums, aggressiveness, withdrawal, complaints of stomach aches and headaches with no physical findings.
- Indicators in Parents, caregivers, siblings, relatives, acquaintances or strangers:
- exposing a Child to pornography or using a Child for pornographic purposes,
- intentionally exposing a Child to the sexual behaviour of others,
- inappropriate nakedness of either a Child or an Adult in a Child’s presence e.g. inappropriate exposure of genitals,
- having committed or being suspected of Child sexual Abuse,
- forbidding a Child to engage in age appropriate activities,
- coercing a Child to engage in sexual behaviour with other Children,
- verbal threats of sexual Abuse,
- denial of an adolescent's pregnancy by the family,
- domestic violence or Child physical Abuse.
10. Appendix D - Record of Child Abuse, Risk of Harm, Misconduct Report
If a Child or Young Person makes a disclosure or allegation regarding Child Abuse or a report of Risk of Harm or Misconduct, this form must be completed by the person to whom the disclosure or report was made. Click here to download a PDF copy of the reporting form.
This form should then be supplied to the Child Safety Person or Recorder or Arranging Brother or the relevant Authorities.
Please ensure that the safety and welfare of the Child or Young Person is given priority. The Child or Young Person should be supported and not questioned or cross-examined.
Date of Report | |
Name of Person Reporting (including Child or Young person) | |
Name of Person taking report | |
Contact Number of Person Reporting | |
Incident Details |
Date of Incident | |
Location of Incident | |
Details of allegation |
Name and Contact detail of the alleged perpetrator | |
Is the alleged Perpetrator a Member of the Ecclesia | |
Immediate Actions required/taken to protect from Harm |
What is the legal reporting requirement? (Police, DHHS or CCYP) |
Who else is aware of the disclosure or allegation | |
Signature of Person taking report |
11. Appendix E - Document Change Management
The table below is a record of changes made to the Policy document.
Date | Document Revision Number | Change Description | Person Making Change |
Version 2 | · Adoption of the Suggested Guidelines for a Child Protection Policy – revision 3 – 2nd March 2010. This document was produced by the Association of Australian Christadelphian Ecclesia’s Inc. and has been modified to relate to the Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Inc. | Arranging Brethren |
Dec 2018
Version 3.0 | · Name of Document Changed from Child Protection Policy to Child Safe Policy Manual
· The entire Document has been rewritten to meet the 7 Child Safe Standards introduced in 2017 and associated reporting requirements, including Reportable Conduct Scheme. |
Ravi Nath |
Nov 2019 |
Version 3.0 | Added the document to the CCE members web site | Philip Moon |