The Canterbury Christadelphian Ecclesia Incorporated is a Child Safe Organisation and is committed to keeping our Children and Young People safe at our Ecclesial Activities.
The Ecclesia:
- Believes it has a Scriptural, moral and legal obligation to be Child Safe.
Children are a heritage from the Lord and should be cherished and nurtured. Child Abuse violates the teachings of Scripture. The Ecclesia does not support or condone criminal behaviour. We recognise that Child Abuse is criminal behaviour and is harmful to Children’s physical, social, emotional, spiritual development and well-being.
Relevant Bible teachings that provide a basis for the above principles are included in Appendix A of the full Child Safe Policy Manual
- Supports the right of every Child attending Ecclesial Activities to feel safe and be safe.
The views of Children and Young People in relation to their own safety is valued and encouraged.The Ecclesia recognises that Children from culturally (including Aboriginal Children) and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds or Children with a disability are statistically at greater risk of Abuse.
- Will establish and maintain a Child Safe environment at Ecclesial Activities.
This will be provided in accordance with agreed guidelines and procedures. These guidelines and procedures include measures to minimise and prevent Risk of Harm to Children.
Supervisors will be encouraged to adhere to an agreed Code of Conduct that specifies standards of conduct and care when dealing and interacting with Children. Supervisors will be screened, appointed, trained and supported to provide a Child Safe environment at Ecclesial Activities.
All relevant Records in relation to Child Safety will be retained consistent with guidelines.
This Policy and associated guidelines and procedures will be communicated to all Ecclesial Members.
- Has a zero-tolerance approach to Child Abuse.
All reports of Child Abuse will be treated as serious, whether they are made by an Adult or a Child.
In dealing with an allegation or Reasonable Belief of Child Abuse, the Ecclesia will respond in accordance with the Act and with respect, sensitivity, objectivity, confidentiality, fairness and truthfulness.
When an allegation of Child Abuse is received, mandatory reporting requirements must be met, including reporting to the Victorian Police, Department of Health and Human Services and the Commission for Children and Young People under the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
The Child Safe Policy Manual will be reviewed, updated as necessary, and re-issued to all Members, at least once every three years.